I've been getting a lot of similar emails lately, so I figured a new FAQ post was in order!
FAQ’s Part 2 Exercise/body: Have you noticed any changes in your body from your increased strength training? I have. I can definitely see the definition in my arms, my waist is a bit slimmer, and I have gained 1 lb in muscle, and lost 2% body fat from when I came back from Italy. Needless to say I’m very pleased with the results thus far!
What is your current exercise routine? Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 30-40 minutes cardio on elliptical (light hills)
Tuesday/Thursday- 30 minutes cardio (treadmill running/walking), legs/abs
Saturday- Cardio (running or walking)
Sunday- rest day, or light exercise- yoga or walking
Food: How has your body reacted to the extra meat? It has actually taken the change much better than expected! I feel
great, I’m never
starving like I was often when I was a veggie (I attribute this to the extra protein!) and I have a lot more energy. I definitely think this was a good choice!
Will you ever be a vegetarian again? I’m not sure. At this point, I’m saying no because I’ve learned that in order to function properly, my body physically
needs a large amount of protein. I believe everyone should do what they feel is best for their body, and this feels good for me!
How often do you drink wine? I drink wine a few times a week, probably 2-3 times (usually when Nick comes to dinner I’ll have a glass or maybe two- but generally never more). I got into the habit of having a nice glass of wine in with dinner in Italy! It definitely complements the taste of food! I love wine and I truly believe everything is ok in moderation, and wine is even better because I prefer
red and it’s chock-full of antioxidants!
Do you still feel you have any control issues when it comes to food? I have my moments, where I feel like I make decisions about snacking or sweets when not thinking, but I am a LOT better than I was. I hardly ever feel I get “out of control” and eat waaayyy too much, or go too overboard in any one area or portion size. As I say frequently, I strive for
balance and so far I’ve been pretty balanced!
The boy:
I have received a remarkable amount of questions about my
new boy! This is funny to me because I debated every mentioning him, but I figured I already mention my other friends, my roommate, so why not talk about him every now and again!
Now, I’m pretty open online, but I’m not going to tell you guys a lot about him, because he knows I mention him, but honestly I don’t think he wants me posting details about him online! So I’ll try and answer most of your questions this way:
All you really need to know is, his name is
Nick, he’s a Kinesiology major so he’s a
great exercise reference, we’ve been together about 3 months and yes, he’s from Canada.
No, there’s no wedding in the making (it’s only been 3 months!), yes he’s very cute and I’m not sure about the possibility of a
guest blog. I guess I’ll have to ask him!
Other: Did I hear something about a major change? Yes, I changed my major! I decided that I need to pursue exactly what I want to pursue- my passion is in
food and
fitness, not consultation, food management or research. So I officially swictched from Dietetics to
Nutrition with a minor in
Kinesiology. I feel this is the perfect path for me, because in the future I hope to use both my education in kinesiology to do some
personal training as well as my education in foods through
culinary school. I feel much more
focused, I know this is the direction I want to be heading in!
Will you do a demo video?Hmm, I might! I’m a bit
camera shy and you have to promise not to make fun of my
funny voice (at least I think it’s funny!)… and I have to see if one of my boys will film it for me without distracting me ;) But it might be a fun project over
winter break.
What would you guys like to see? A recipes, exercises?
What is Nutrition Club?Nutrition Club is a club at my University started by Nutrition majors; but its anyone who's interested in nutrition! Our goal is basically to spread nutrition around campus and the community; we volunteer around RI, set up nutrition tables and events on campus, and have meetings where we discuss planning these and new nutrition findings, sometimes we try new products... its a lot of fun!
What magazines do you read? My favorites include Self, Fitness, Shape, Women’s Health, Oxygen, Cooking Light and Cosmo!
What are your favorite “holiday foods”? I like a lot of the “classics”- green bean casserole, my dad’s fab cranberry sauce, my mom’s fantastic broccoli bake (I look forward to this every year!), and stuffing- my uncle makes this awesome stuffing I’m actually excited to have this year because I haven’t had it the last few years of thanksgiving I was a veggie! And, of course- dessert! Honestly, I am HORRIBLE with moderation over the holidays. My opinion is if you eat healthy 90% of the time, you can have a few days over the holidays to
indulge to your hearts desire! This thanksgiving, I’ve actually been challenged to a fun
eating contest, but more on that later!
As for me, I LOVE to cook and bake as you all know, and I make a great side that I bring every year- Sauteed brussels sprouts with grapes, which I’m bringing again- but two versions this year, I’m trying something new! I’m also baking a
Bourbon Pecan Pie with a chocolate drizzle for dessert! Yum!