Today was a strange day of sorts. It felt like a Saturday, but it was most definately not a Saturday- still, I had a lot going on for a "morning off"! It took me a while to remember it was Wednesday, and I had work- but no classes!
The weather didn't improve much as the morning went on, it got warmer but not warm enough to be comfortable eating outside. So, we took our picnic inside, throwing the blanket on a table in the lounge tablecloth-style, and had a nice lunch paired with some great conversation! A great, relaxing time with friends.
We had an array of foods; I brought some veggie chips, hummus, carrots, fruit salad, and we also had some greek pasta salad, and a bunch of chips and cookies.
Here's the top half of my plate- some hummus, veggie chips, fruit salad and carrots.
The second half includes some greek pasta salad, and a couple mini organic chocolate cookies. I also snacked on a few more veggie chips, carrots and hummus (3 each, about 1 tbsp more) as well as 2 more mini cookies as we chatted.
My lunch was a bit late, so it filled me up enough that I didn't have a mid-afternoon snack- but still got SUPER hungry early, so I took my break just after 5 and had my dinner. I packed a Morningstar Vegan Veggie Burger in a wheat pita with some greens and a squirt each of ketchup/mustard. I also had a pear and some mixed seasoned veggies. Very good for a work dinner!
Back at the dorm, I had a warm apple crisp muffin for a snack, and now I'm about to go get some work done before heading to bed.
I'm exhausted, yet again. I haven't been getting much sleep lately- the roommates have been out and about so I haven't been able to settle down and fall asleep until the early a.m... hopefully tonight will be different, and I can get a good run and some serious studying done tomorrow!
Have a nice "hump night!"